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江南,城市污水厂污水污泥的热值测定分析方法研究 Determination of the calorific value of wastewater and sludgefrom a municipal w

发表时间:2024-09-30 | 作者:星空

焦点提醒:城市污水厂污水污泥的热值测定阐发方式研究Determination of the calorific value of wastewater and sludgefrom a municipal wastewater treatment plant中国给水排水 云直播中国给水排水2021年中国城镇污泥处理处置 技术与应用高级研讨会(第十二届)邀请函暨征稿启事 城市污水厂污水污泥的热值测定阐发方式研究 Determination of the calorific value of wastewater and sludgefrom a municipal wastewater treatment plant 投稿时候:2008-11-12修订日期:2009-01-06 DOI: 中文要害词:污水污泥热值氧弹式量热计元素阐发 英文要害词:wastewatersludgeheat valuebomb calorimeterelement analysis 基金项目:国度天然科学基金帮助项目(50508046);教育部科学研究严重项目(308020);重庆市科委天然科学基金帮助项目(CSTC2009BB0029) 作者 单元 高旭 重庆年夜学三峡库区生态情况教育部重点尝试室重庆 400045 马蜀 中煤国际项目团体重庆设想研究院重庆 400016 郭劲松 重庆年夜学三峡库区生态情况教育部重点尝试室重庆 400045 范莹 重庆年夜学三峡库区生态情况教育部重点尝试室重庆 400045 摘要点击次数:13918 全文下载次数:5686 中文摘要: 成立热力学目标是污水生物处置进程热力学阐发的根本工作,今朝仍缺少污水污泥化学能测试的尺度方式。采取IKA C5000型主动热量计对某城市二级污水处置厂进水、出水、初沉污泥、残剩污泥、夹杂污泥和脱水污泥进行了热值测定,样品前处置采取103~105℃烘干取得干燥基,用苯甲酸进行加标收受接管。参照煤的发烧量测定方式获得样品的高位热值。实验成果显示:出水干燥基的热值为0?5 kJ/g,进水干燥基的热值为4 kJ/g以上,����APP各工艺段的污泥干燥基热值较高,根基都在12 kJ/g以上,接近右江褐煤程度。测定成果的尺度误差≤±0.452%,相对尺度误差≤±0.136%。经由过程统一批样品的元素阐发和Dulong公式理论推算,发觉2种方式可获得类似的成果。 英文摘要: It’s a primary step to establish thermodynamic indices for thermodynamic analysis of biological wastewater treatment processes, unfortunately standardized measurement method for chemical energy within wastewater and sludge has not been developed. An automatic calorimetric method was adopted to determine calorific values of influent, effluent, primary sedimentary sludge, surplus sludge, mixed sludge and dehydrated sludge samples from several municipal wastewater treatment plants. The samples were dried at 103~105℃ during preparing course and the quality control scheme of determination was set up. Referring to calorific value measurement of coal, gross calorific values of samples were acquired. The result indicates that the calorific value of effluent dry basis is 0.5 kJ/g, and that of the influent is above 4 kJ/g; moreover, the calorific values of the sludge samples are as high as above 12 kJ/g which is close to the Youjiang lignite’s level. The standard deviations (SD) of the test results are all less than±0.452% and the relative standard deviations (RSD) are no more than 0.136%. Based on the element analysis of the same set of samples, the calorific values were also calculated with the Dulong formula. The results of the two methods are pretty close. 下载PDF全文HTML查看/颁发评论下载PDF浏览器

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